OK. So who’s invited to the table?

It’s very open-ended, but generally speaking, if your work fits under the umbrella of making web and mobile things, you’ll find kindred spirits here. Some topics of interest include:

  • User Experience
  • Interface Design
  • Content Strategy
  • Interaction Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Front-end Design and Development
  • Web and Mobile Application Coding

Based on our past events, there is a strong emphasis on design, followed by a solid helping of code, all placed within the context of business.

Sounds good. When’s your next meeting?

That’s a good question. We usually meet several times each year, but there really isn’t a fixed schedule. Check out our Meetup page, or use the Refresh News sign up form on the left side of this page, and we’ll keep you informed about upcoming events.

How do I get even more information?

To find out more about Refresh Tallahassee, send us an email, or come join us at an upcoming event.